MMORPG in GODOT? Why not
UPD #1
- simple authentication server (login/password)
- website with a list of servers
- content server (remote configs)
- basic game client and server, communication via RPC with TLS in UDP
UPD #2
- authentication on the game server using a JWT token (+ autologin) with validation on the authentication server
- client-server request router for system functions that require a response to a request
- connecting pgsql database, database models for the game server, migrations, etc.
- basic list/character creation functions
- logic for tracking characters involved in the game within the server
- asynchronous network magic shit
UPD #3
Improved character management features:
- possibility of deletion with confirmation (soft deletion)
- restriction on the simultaneous play of one character by several users (but you can log in as one user in two clients)
- loading and saving progress when connecting/disconnecting a character to the game world
- restriction on playing with someone else's character
- time stamp of last activity