About the current progress of the MOLOT
It's hard to say that I did enough gameplay. I managed to make only a few mechanics and the actual engine for the used items/inventory/anomalous zones and various effects (radiation, hunger, psi load, etc.). On the positive side, most of the solutions are universal and can be reused in the MOLOT and in other projects. Also, I learned to use Cinemachine, URP / SRP in Unity, scene loading system (multi-scene management).
Screenshots of the current version of the game running on my non-gaming phone.
What's next?
Given my low efficiency in the last two projects, the month of April will be a "penalty" and instead of the next topic I will make a micro-game (for example 3-in-a-row or pong) and just put it on the website. However, I still have to finish the MOLOT demo and put the February project (Rescraft2d) into release.